I am a 35yo man, 1.7m and weighting around 60kg.

I have tracked calorie expenditure with an Apple Watch for over 5 years and sometimes calorie consumption (very exactly when I do it) to attain desirable running weight.

I think the numbers shown in the table are not really surprising or special. I actually know for a fact, that someone walking at least 10km a day on top of decent physical activity (either high intensity low duration or the reverse) will cross over 3000 calories a day very easily.

Someone living in a big city requiring lots of "human" transport and doing physical labor on top will average way above that.

I think you dramatically underestimate how little activity most people get nowadays.

A large part of it is due to the omnipresent car (and motorized transport as a whole); as well as the complete mechanization of most tiring tasks. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it actually is. Even in factory jobs, most of the hard tasks are very likely to be delegated to some sort of powered tool, with humans having mostly a controlling input; and at the end/start of the day they go home delegating even more activity to yet another motor. Even cooking has been delegated to motors for smaller and smaller tasks.

CICO is a real thing; you just dramatically underestimate the difference of activity level.

If you reproduce 1930's lifestyle you will get there, easily...

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Read https://slimemoldtimemold.com/ . It's a lot, but it's there and worthwhile. Very short answer: if you want to lose weight, live on property with well water and only drink from it.

This post is merely to point out that CICO is self-righteous fat-shaming nonsense.

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